
Project topics: Energy renovation of buildings, Reduction of energy consumption, New financial instruments,

Professionalisation in the construction sector, Energy poverty and combating it, Innovation in construction

Project: BUILD2LC – Boosting low carbon innovative building rehabilitation in European regions

Programme: Interreg Europe

Project duration: 1.4.2016 –  30.9.2020

The total project budget: 1.658.987 €

LEAG’s budget: 274.341 €

ERDF contribution: 1.384.645 € (83,4%)

Project Manager: Črtomir Kurnik, Deputy Director


Project partners:

  • LP: Andalusian Energy Agency (AEA), Spain
  • PP1: Andalusian Institute of Technology (IAT), Spain – Advisory Partner 
  • PP2:  The Public Investment and Development Agency of Lithuania (VIPA) 
  • PP3: Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RRDA), Poland
  • PP4: United Kingdom: Severyn Wye Energy Agency Ltd (SWEA)
  • PP5: Croatia: North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (RGEA)
  • PP6: Sweden: Region Jämtland Härjedalen (RJH) 
  • PP7: Slovenia: Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska (LEAG)

BUILD2LC contributes optimally to fulfilling the INTERREG specific objective 3.1, Improving low-carbon economy policies, given that it aims at promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy through the energy rehabilitation of both public buildings and the housing sector.

Project also prioritises the energy efficiency and an increased use of renewable energy as key elements in the process of the rehabilitation of buildings, with special attention to measures aimed at vulnerable customers.

Promoting the introduction of ICT solutions and other innovative solutions in the area of energy rehabilitation plays an important role in the BUILD2LC project, to enhance efficiency and intelligence in buildings.

All this will contribute to the creation of a specialised, competitive and innovative business sector, linked to energy rehabilitation, which will affect the creation and consolidation of quality employment, in line with the provisions of the Regional Strategies for Smart Specialization RIS3 and other Strategy Plans of the regions involved in the project.

Project focus:

  • professionalisation of the construction sector,
  • innovation,
  • activation of demand and combating energy poverty,
  • new financial instruments.

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LEAG 2025 – Vse pravice pridržane.