Črtomir Kurnik,
M.Sc., Director
Staš Kos,
M.Sc., Deputy Director
Suzana Krmelj,
M.Sc., Consultant
Anton Marc,
M.Sc., Consultant
Jure Eržen,
M.Sc., Consultant
Cene Udovič,
M.Sc., Consultant
Tadeja Vodnik,
M.Sc., Head of Administration
and Human Resources
LEAG staff ‘s and work experiences in EU projects:
Mr. Kurnik is a Director of LEAG, European Energy Manager and certified Accountant responsible for coordination of all activities of the Agency. Previously, he was in the role of Project manager and in charge of the economy, promotional activities, reports and coordination of LEAG projects.
Staš Kos is a Deputy Director and European Energy Manager. He is responsible for implementing local energy concepts in municipalities. He is also a coordinator and supervisor for energy bookkeeping for municipalities in Gorenjska region.
Suzana Krmelj is responsible for the management, promotional activities, reports and coordination of LEAG projects. She has experience also on topics: Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE), Energy Poverty and Climate Change.
Suzana Krmelj, has developed professional skills and competences in administration and marketing during cooperation in EU projects. As a project manager, developer, researcher and administrator, she`s been involved in several EU projects in different EU programmes such as Erasmus+, Interreg Slovenia- Italy, Lifelong learning projects and Cross border programe SI-AT projects. She regularly lectures at elementary schools on energy efficiency, renewable energy and adaptation to climate change. She graduated in 2000, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, majoring in Human Resource Management. She gained also professional experience in the field of web communication and online social networks as an editor of several online profiles and newsletter.
Anton Marc, European Energy Manager, is responsible for implementing local energy concepts in municipalities. He is also a coordinator and supervisor for energy bookkeeping for municipalities in the Gorenjska region.
Jure Eržen, European Energy Manager, is responsible for the management of the EU project INNOVEAS INNOVating the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs. In the past he lead EU project MODER – Mobilisation of Innovative Design Tools for the refurbishing of buildings at district level.
Cene Udovič is actively working responsible for tehcnical part of EU project – SECAP. He is also a coordinator and supervisor for energy bookkeeping for municipalities in the Gorenjska region.
Tadeja Vodnik, has developed professional skills and competences in administration, human resources and energy bookkeeping for municipalities in the Gorenjska region. She graduated in 2009, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, majoring in Human Resource Management. She has worked in administration since 2009.
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LEAG 2024 – Vse pravice pridržane.